Cyclone Mandous made landfall on Friday evening off the coast of Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu. In the hours since, parts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have seen heavy rain and powerful winds that have disrupted power supply to residents, with the highest rainfall recorded in Andhra Pradesh's Tirupati district at 258mm.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister shared that four people have died in rain related incidents since the cyclone made landfall yesterday. Currently, Cyclone Mandous has weakened into a deep depression.
Here's the impact of Cyclone Mandous in images:
Water logging as a result of the Cyclone Mandous has disrupted traffic movement in Andhra Pradesh, particularly on the Venkatagiri-Gudur state highway number 58.
The cyclone made landfall on Friday evening, after which parts of Chennai and surrounding areas witnessed heavy rains and strong winds.
Heavy rain due to the cyclone in urban areas caused massive waterlogging across Chennai.
Schools in several cities in Tamil Nadu are to remain shut today after the state reels from the impact of the cyclone.
In Andhra Pradesh, as many as 150 State Disaster Response Force and 95 National Disaster Response Force personnel have been deployed in four districts to be pressed into service in case of any eventuality.
Today Cyclone Mandous completed its landfall and began to weaken, forming a deep depression.
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