Cyclone Vardah struck the Tamil Nadu coast this afternoon, bringing strong winds and heavy rain to Chennai, in which buildings were shattered and trees were uprooted. The government has asked people to stay indoors and power supply was suspended in many areas as a precaution and the state's ruling AIADMK tweeted a list of dos and don'ts. The Indian Meteorological Department or IMD is also issuing updates on Cyclone Vardah. Hundreds of roads have been blocked by uprooted trees and poles in some parts of Chennai. All flights and trains have been suspended.
Here is a list of 10 dos and don'ts during a cyclone:
Stay indoors, follow government instructions. Stay away from windows.
Stock up on food, medicines and drinking water at home and use judiciously.
Stock up on candles and matches. Keep water tanks filled, particularly in multi-storey buildings.
Keep mobile phones, emergency lights, laptops charged.
Avoid using personal cars.
Avoid any loose and dangling wires from lamp posts.
Switch off the electrical mains in your house when there's a storm.
Keep medicine and special food at home for babies, children or older people.
If you live near the sea, move to safer grounds. Avoid going to the sea.
Keep the radio on, do not spread rumours.