The Tamil Nadu police went into a tizzy following phone calls and an email about bomb threats at three places since yesterday evening, including the residence of Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa and the famous Meenakshi Temple in Madurai where a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) conference was on.
Searches were carried out at the Chief Minister's Poes Garden residence today, the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai and the Andal Temple in Srivilliputhur last night following the threat, police sources said. After the search at the Chief Minister's residence, the police said the threat through an e-mail turned out to be a hoax. "The objective of the caller could be just to create a scare. But the police did not want to take a chance," they said.
Security has been beefed up in Madurai where a two-day state-level conference of the BJP was in progress which senior leaders, including L K Advani, are scheduled to attend.
Today's bomb threat comes close on the heels of a similar threat to the CBI office here yesterday, which turned out a hoax.
Searches were carried out at the Chief Minister's Poes Garden residence today, the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai and the Andal Temple in Srivilliputhur last night following the threat, police sources said. After the search at the Chief Minister's residence, the police said the threat through an e-mail turned out to be a hoax. "The objective of the caller could be just to create a scare. But the police did not want to take a chance," they said.
Security has been beefed up in Madurai where a two-day state-level conference of the BJP was in progress which senior leaders, including L K Advani, are scheduled to attend.
Today's bomb threat comes close on the heels of a similar threat to the CBI office here yesterday, which turned out a hoax.
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