The story of Nithyananda, revered as a spiritual leader by many, continues to have its dramatic ups and downs. Today, just hours after a court in Ramanagaram in Karnataka granted him conditional bail, he has been taken into judicial custody for a day. Nithyananda had been arrested a day earlier when he unexpectedly surfaced at the same court. He was charged with assault - but all the charges against him were bailable, said assistant public prosecutor Mohan Kumar who filed objections to the bail on behalf of the state.
Nithyananda does claim millions of followers around the globe, but he really shot into national prominence in 2010 when an alleged sex tape featuring him and an actress was played on a local channel. After this, Nithyananda left his ashram in Bidadi outside Bangalore - only to be arrested from Himachal Pradesh days later on charges as serious as rape.
He was later released on bail on those charges.
Last week, at a press conference at his ashram, there was a scuffle with a reporter from a local channel. This was followed by protests by Kannada activists who filed charges against him. The Karnataka state government stepped into the act with the chief minister saying that Nithyananda's bail should be cancelled and the godman arrested.
Nithyananda has also filed a petition in the High Court against Suvarna news channel for vandalism.
He also filed a petition in the High Court against the chief minister, the state Director General of Police, the Bangalore Police Commissioner, Principal Secretary Home and the District Collector of Ramanagaram saying the Chief Minister had no authority to seal his ashram.
The legal battle continues.
Nithyananda does claim millions of followers around the globe, but he really shot into national prominence in 2010 when an alleged sex tape featuring him and an actress was played on a local channel. After this, Nithyananda left his ashram in Bidadi outside Bangalore - only to be arrested from Himachal Pradesh days later on charges as serious as rape.
He was later released on bail on those charges.
Last week, at a press conference at his ashram, there was a scuffle with a reporter from a local channel. This was followed by protests by Kannada activists who filed charges against him. The Karnataka state government stepped into the act with the chief minister saying that Nithyananda's bail should be cancelled and the godman arrested.
Nithyananda has also filed a petition in the High Court against Suvarna news channel for vandalism.
He also filed a petition in the High Court against the chief minister, the state Director General of Police, the Bangalore Police Commissioner, Principal Secretary Home and the District Collector of Ramanagaram saying the Chief Minister had no authority to seal his ashram.
The legal battle continues.
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