This Article is From Jan 22, 2014

In a letter to Arvind Kejriwal, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy demands Kumar Vishwas' apology

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AAP leaders Yogendra Yadav, Kumar Vishwas and Ashutosh addressing a press conference.

Thiruvananthapuram/New Delhi: Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has written to his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal, expressing anger over remarks made by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Kumar Vishwas on nurses from Kerala during a stage show.

In his letter to the Delhi Chief Minister, Mr Chandy has said, "Keralites are deeply hurt" by the remarks and Mr Vishwas should withdraw his comments, and apologise.

"Nurses from Kerala have been admired for their hard work, selfless service in many parts of the world," Mr Chandy has said in his letter.

AAP's Kerala unit has apologised for the comments and has said Mr Vishwas will clarify his stand soon. (AAP's Cochin office vandalised, Kumar Vishwas' effigy burnt)

In a YouTube video clip, Mr Vishwas is heard saying, "Earlier nurses used to come from Kerala, kali-peeli (dark skinned), one would naturally feel like calling them sister."

The issue was raised in the Kerala Assembly yesterday where legislators described Mr Vishwas' comments as racist.

Sister Amali, a nurse for past 13 years says," I am very deeply hurt with such a comment from Kumar Vishwas. After serving for so many years sacrificially, we don't expect this kind of a remark from our leaders. We don't deserve this."

The latest controversy comes at a time an AAP minister in Delhi, Somnath Bharti, has been accused of racism after his midnight raid targeting African women in connection with an alleged sex and drug den in his constituency in south Delhi. Mr Bharti has been accused of using racist slur against four women from Uganda who allege that they were abused, beaten up and forced to give urine samples for a drug test.

Mr Kejriwal along with his cabinet ministers and hundreds of supporters were on a sit-in protest for more than 36 hours demanding action against the Delhi Police for not cooperating with Mr Bharti. (Kejriwal calls off protest: 10 latest developments)

Last week, a complaint was filed against Mr Vishwas, 43, alleging that he had hurt Muslim sentiments with objectionable comments on the procession of Muharram during a Kavi Sammelan or poets' gathering.

He was also accused by Mallika Sarabhai, who recently joined AAP, of making misogynist and anti-minority comments.