Tamil Nadu is literally in the dark with most districts in the state witnessing unscheduled power cuts for six to eight hours a day. The 3000 MW power from windmills that gave the state some respite has drastically come down with the windy season coming to an end.
Ms Subha, who teaches in a Coimbatore school, says, "It starts with the morning chores. At school our smart boards don't work and children don't listen without the video".
Her daughter Smiti, who uses a lantern to study, says, "When I come home to do school projects, I don't get internet and I get irritated."
Tamil Nadu needs at least 12,000 MW during this time of the year, with the government barely able to muster around 10,000 MW even after buying power from private players.
Earlier this year, more than a thousand small industries shut shop due to the crippling power cuts in Coimbatore, the state's industrial hub.
"You can't go to a foreign customer and say you can't supply because there is no power. This kind of thing does not happen in the international market," K Ilango, former president of the Coimbatore District Small Industries Association told NDTV.
When she took charge two years ago, Chief Minister Jayalaltihaa said her government would tackle power crisis within 90 days. Now she wants time till the end of the year.
The state is banking on the Kudankulam nuclear plant as well as three upcoming power projects, expected to add 1800 MW of more power.
The only saving grace? Capital Chennai has been spared.
Ms Subha, who teaches in a Coimbatore school, says, "It starts with the morning chores. At school our smart boards don't work and children don't listen without the video".
Her daughter Smiti, who uses a lantern to study, says, "When I come home to do school projects, I don't get internet and I get irritated."
Tamil Nadu needs at least 12,000 MW during this time of the year, with the government barely able to muster around 10,000 MW even after buying power from private players.
Earlier this year, more than a thousand small industries shut shop due to the crippling power cuts in Coimbatore, the state's industrial hub.
"You can't go to a foreign customer and say you can't supply because there is no power. This kind of thing does not happen in the international market," K Ilango, former president of the Coimbatore District Small Industries Association told NDTV.
When she took charge two years ago, Chief Minister Jayalaltihaa said her government would tackle power crisis within 90 days. Now she wants time till the end of the year.
The state is banking on the Kudankulam nuclear plant as well as three upcoming power projects, expected to add 1800 MW of more power.
The only saving grace? Capital Chennai has been spared.
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