This Article is From Jul 14, 2013

Mass Ramazan prayer meet in Kerala to take pledge against terrorism

Thiruvananthapuram: Thousands will gather at Malappuram town in Kerala on August 4 to take pledge against terrorism and alcoholism at a mass Ramazan prayer meet.

The event, being organised by Malappuram-based educational and charity institution Ma'din Islamic Academy, will have participants coming from different parts of the country and the world, its organisers told a press meet last evening.

Ma'din Academy chairman Sayyid Ibrahim Khaleel al Bukhari claimed that the prayer meeting to be held on the 27th day of Ramazan, also known as 'Lailathul Khadir', is the third largest of its kind in the world after those held at Mecca and Madeena.

"India has a rich culture of harmonious living and Islam has strengthened this through its message of oneness," Al Bukhari said.

Established in 1997, Ma'din Academy has 28 educational and charity ventures with 16,200 students on the rolls.
