This Article is From Jun 11, 2014

Now, A Medical Centre for Internet Addiction

Bangalore: The amount of time that people today spend online, on social networks or on their phones is increasingly interfering with real life - or at least what most people consider real life.

Recognising this, the Bangalore's National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, NIMHANS, has set up a tech de-addiction centre, to help those who need it.

We are sometimes so absorbed in a virtual world, that we do not know what is happening around us. Raj Sethia spends hours a day online - and cannot do without it.

"You can call it is a sickness, an addiction, whatever you like. But I am not going to give it up. Through social media I have rediscovered connections I had lost for years," he told NDTV.

But there are others who feel they may have gone too far into a virtual world.
Mental health professionals now recognise the craving for being online as an addiction - like any other addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Dr Manoj Kumar, Associate Professor in Nimhans' Department of Clinical Paychology said, "For this type of problem, we are using more psychotherapy-based approach in terms of screening the problem. Second is in terms of identifying the reasons related with excessive use of technology. Then third is to give feedback to the patient about his excessive use through our standard, structured tools. And the fourth is to use motivation enhancement-based approach to motivate them for a healthy use. Motivation enhancement-based approach basically works on discussing the pros and cons of excessive use and pros and cons of if he reduces and goes toward the healthy use."

The clinic is getting at least one patient a week.

Dr Kumar said, "The next plan would be again to develop interventions which, which would be user-friendly and which a person with minimum training can apply and can guide others for healthy use of technologies."

So if you are constantly checking updates on social networking sites or frequently updating your status - perhaps you need to think about whether you are addicted. There are places now, where you can get help.