A five-year-old boy was killed and a nine-year-old girl was seriously injured during the shooting of a television serial on the outskirts of Hyderabad. According to reports, during one of the shots being filmed, an actress rammed a Tata Indica into the two children, sitting on the pavement inside a gated residential colony in Cyberabad's Chandanagar area. The children were watching the shooting of the TV serial.
As part of the shooting sequence, the actress was to drive from a distance of about 20 feet. However, she lost control and the car climbed onto two steps of a nearby pavement and hit the children sitting here. While the boy died on the spot, the girl is currently admitted to a hospital.
According to the police, the actress did not have a valid driver's licence and did not know how to drive. The police also say that the crew of the TV serial, 'Indrani', had not taken permission for the shooting and ran away from the spot after the accident.
However, the actress and some of the crew members were later taken into custody. Cases have been booked against her, the producer, director and other members of the crew.
As part of the shooting sequence, the actress was to drive from a distance of about 20 feet. However, she lost control and the car climbed onto two steps of a nearby pavement and hit the children sitting here. While the boy died on the spot, the girl is currently admitted to a hospital.
According to the police, the actress did not have a valid driver's licence and did not know how to drive. The police also say that the crew of the TV serial, 'Indrani', had not taken permission for the shooting and ran away from the spot after the accident.
However, the actress and some of the crew members were later taken into custody. Cases have been booked against her, the producer, director and other members of the crew.
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