A minor girl in Tamil Nadu's Dharmapuri district, who is fighting a legal battle to bring four men who allegedly gang-raped her to justice, was reportedly threatened by the accused to take her complaint back.
The Police have now put the four accused men behind bars under the Goondas Act after a tip-off by a family member.
This is the first time that rape accused have been arrested under the Goondas Act after the Tamil Nadu Government announced amendment to the law to bring rape accused under its ambit.
The District Superintendent of Police of Dharmapuri, Mr Asra Garg, told NDTV, "The girl was returning from her tuition classes when the four men kidnapped and raped her last year."
"The medical examination has confirmed rape; the trial has just begun and we would ensure speedy justice," he added.
The Police have now put the four accused men behind bars under the Goondas Act after a tip-off by a family member.
This is the first time that rape accused have been arrested under the Goondas Act after the Tamil Nadu Government announced amendment to the law to bring rape accused under its ambit.
The District Superintendent of Police of Dharmapuri, Mr Asra Garg, told NDTV, "The girl was returning from her tuition classes when the four men kidnapped and raped her last year."
"The medical examination has confirmed rape; the trial has just begun and we would ensure speedy justice," he added.
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