Over Rs. 1 crore cash was reportedly robbed this morning by a gang of 15 people when the money was being loaded in an ATM machine. The incident happened at the Corporation Bank ATM in RT Nagar here at around 11:30 am on Monday morning.
Police said, the gang members armed with logs waylaid the vehicle, broke the window panes and overpowered the gunman and two cash loaders when they were proceeding to load the currency note in ATMs in R T Nagar locality.
"However, we are yet to ascertain the exact amount from the bank authorities", police said.
According to police, the gang, who came in two vehicles, attacked the cash loaders and the gunman and escaped with the loot.
Three received minor injuries and have been hospitalised.
Police said, the gang members armed with logs waylaid the vehicle, broke the window panes and overpowered the gunman and two cash loaders when they were proceeding to load the currency note in ATMs in R T Nagar locality.
"However, we are yet to ascertain the exact amount from the bank authorities", police said.
According to police, the gang, who came in two vehicles, attacked the cash loaders and the gunman and escaped with the loot.
Three received minor injuries and have been hospitalised.
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