Tamil film comedian Balaji today surrendered before a court in nearby Tirupur after the Madras high court granted bail to him in connection with a case filed in connection with irregularaties of nearly Rs two crore by the staff of a Delhi-based agency, which was distributing money in
ATMs of private banks in and around Tirupur.
This was done as his name was mentioned by the staff in the case.
However, fearing arrest he had recently filed an anticipatory bail petition which was granted by the Madras High Court recently.
Five persons of the agency were arrested on April 30, following the alleged misappropriation of the money meant for placing in ATM in Tirupur and Avanashi, over a period of time.
On the directive of the High Court Balaji surrendered before the 1st Judicial Magistrate Court.
ATMs of private banks in and around Tirupur.
This was done as his name was mentioned by the staff in the case.
However, fearing arrest he had recently filed an anticipatory bail petition which was granted by the Madras High Court recently.
Five persons of the agency were arrested on April 30, following the alleged misappropriation of the money meant for placing in ATM in Tirupur and Avanashi, over a period of time.
On the directive of the High Court Balaji surrendered before the 1st Judicial Magistrate Court.