The Tamil Nadu government on Thursday proposed a series of power generation and related infrastructure development projects worth around Rs 20,000 crore, including a Rs 7,000 crore underground hydel power station in Nilgiris district.
The 2,000 mw underground hydel power station at Sillahalla in Nilgiris will take 8-10 years for completion and works will be taken up in two phases, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said in the state assembly.
The efforts are aimed at making the state a power surplus one, she said in a suo motu statement in the state assembly.
Ms Jayalalithaa announced establishing 56 sub-stations in different parts of the state ranging between 33 kv and 400 kv, at an estimated cost of Rs 8,000 crore.
While a series of projects were nearing completion in the coming days, the government would also go in for long-term power purchase of 1000 mw for 15 years on a 'Case-I' bidding basis starting this October, she said.
Electricity-related infrastructure will also be strengthened and a scheme has been prepared for Rs 5,000 crore with Japanese assistance, she said.
The Chief Minister allotted Rs 500 crore towards procuring 20,000 new transformers and announced an investment subsidy of Rs 20,000 for domestic consumers opting for solar power in their homes. She said 10,000 persons will benefit in the first phase of the initiative.
High Tension and Low Tension power transmission lines to the tune of 15,000 km will be established at an estimated cost of Rs 850 crore, she said, adding that 11 lakh new domestic, industrial and agricultural power connections would be given this year.
The 2,000 mw underground hydel power station at Sillahalla in Nilgiris will take 8-10 years for completion and works will be taken up in two phases, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said in the state assembly.
The efforts are aimed at making the state a power surplus one, she said in a suo motu statement in the state assembly.
Ms Jayalalithaa announced establishing 56 sub-stations in different parts of the state ranging between 33 kv and 400 kv, at an estimated cost of Rs 8,000 crore.
While a series of projects were nearing completion in the coming days, the government would also go in for long-term power purchase of 1000 mw for 15 years on a 'Case-I' bidding basis starting this October, she said.
Electricity-related infrastructure will also be strengthened and a scheme has been prepared for Rs 5,000 crore with Japanese assistance, she said.
The Chief Minister allotted Rs 500 crore towards procuring 20,000 new transformers and announced an investment subsidy of Rs 20,000 for domestic consumers opting for solar power in their homes. She said 10,000 persons will benefit in the first phase of the initiative.
High Tension and Low Tension power transmission lines to the tune of 15,000 km will be established at an estimated cost of Rs 850 crore, she said, adding that 11 lakh new domestic, industrial and agricultural power connections would be given this year.
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