A free-for-all clash broke out at a toll plaza in Andhra Pradesh's Tirupati after students of a law college from Tamil Nadu were stopped due to a payment-related issue on Sunday. The students went on a rampage, attacking the toll booth staff with helmets, and reportedly also damaged a few vehicles present there.
The clash continued for a while despite a police team rushing to the spot and confronting the law students, warning them not to disturb the moment of vehicles at the toll plaza.
The students were returning after an exam when the vehicle of one of the law students was stopped at the toll plaza as his FASTag payment did not work. The student was then asked to move back his car and clear the way for other vehicles queuing up behind them.
This enraged the students who reportedly attacked the staff with helmets.
The police rushed to the spot and asked the students not to disturb the movement of other vehicles. But the students remained adamant and allegedly gave way only to vehicles having Tamil Nadu registration and prevented vehicles from Andhra Pradesh from passing through. This led to a massive fight between the students and a group of local residents.
The police has launched an investigation to ascertain the entire incident and has also promised strict action against those involved.
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