A woman in Bangalore has been arrested after she was found carrying a fake ID card that declared she was a senior scientist with the Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO) in Bangalore. Press Trust of India says the 44-year-old was caught when trying to enter a meeting being held at the high-security ISRO headquarters.
She has been sent to jail till October 6.
The woman, originally from Ahmedabad, is being treated for depression and had been missing for 10 days, according to her husband. The police says it will investigate his statement.
Her ID card enabled her to stay for two days at the official ISRO guest house, 10 km from the campus, for two days earlier this month. The police says she did not access any crucial information or documents.
The police says she got her ID card made during a recent visit to Kerala.
(With PTI inputs)
She has been sent to jail till October 6.
The woman, originally from Ahmedabad, is being treated for depression and had been missing for 10 days, according to her husband. The police says it will investigate his statement.
Her ID card enabled her to stay for two days at the official ISRO guest house, 10 km from the campus, for two days earlier this month. The police says she did not access any crucial information or documents.
The police says she got her ID card made during a recent visit to Kerala.
(With PTI inputs)
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