Amid election campaign heat in Tamil Nadu, actor-politician Kamal Haasan has said he is taking a break after a leg surgery. In a letter he shared on Twitter on Sunday, Mr Haasan, 66, said he travelled "through the state covering 5,000 km in 15 days spread over the last five weeks" in the first leg of his poll campaign ahead of the April-May elections. "I will come back fully rejuvenated within a few days to resume my campaign with a new vigour," he has promised his followers.
Elaborating further about "Reimagine Tamizh Nadu", his poll campaign, Mr Haasan wrote: "I have returned after personally witnessing the upsurge of people longing for a change. My zest to meet the people and to understand the concerns outweighed the advise given to me on my personal safety." Mr Haasan's Makkal Needhi Maiam will face its first assembly election later this year.
The actor-politician further shared he travelled extensively ahead of the state polls despite the doctors' advise to him to take rest. "Due to an accident a few years back, I had undergone a surgery on my leg. In continuation to that surgery, I was required to undergo a follow up surgery. The doctors had advised me to take rest till then. I undertook my professional and political responsibilities superseding the advise given, to enable me to reach out to my brothers and sisters," his letter - shared on the microblogging site in Tamil and English - read.
என் மீது அன்பு கொண்டவர்களுக்கு ஓர் அறிவிப்பு.
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) January 17, 2021
"The love and affection showered by the people of Tamizh Nadu. was an effective antidote to the severe pain that I used to suffer during my campaign. Now, I have an opportunity to take some rest. There I would be undergoing the follow up surgery on my leg, as advised."
Mr Haasan will use the period of rest "to reflect on the learnings and understanding of the first leg of the campaign", and will "use technology to be in touch," the statement reads.
Last month, superstar Rajinikanth's fans were left hugely disappointed after he cancelled his political plans, citing health concerns. "Without entering electoral politics, I will serve the people. This decision of mine will disappoint my fans and people but please forgive me," read the statement of the actor, who set up the Rajini Makkal Mandram two years ago with a promise to practice "spiritual politia
In a recent interview to NDTV, Kamal Haasan had said he would seek Rajinikanth's support, now that he has opted out of politics. He had said, "I will seek Rajinikanth's support. Any goodwill will help. He is a friend. People will have to now take sides, endorse those who something different. It's a battle between honesty and corruption".
Also read: Free To Join Other Parties: Team Rajinikanth As Some Members Move To DMK
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