At a time when some banks in Tamil Nadu have been robbed of several lakhs of rupees over the pasttwo months, some important documents relating to credit and computer discs of the Bank of Baroda Branch has been stolen by a gang, officials said.
The gang had gained entry into the bank by breaking the back-door around mid-night, officials said.
Officials, who found the documents and CDs missing this morning, informed the police.
The bank locker was, however, intact, they said.
"It should be the work of some creditors who had taken heavy loan, and they wanted to destroy evidence about loanstaken by them. It is stupidity as details of all documents are with the Head office also," a bank official said.
The gang had gained entry into the bank by breaking the back-door around mid-night, officials said.
Officials, who found the documents and CDs missing this morning, informed the police.
The bank locker was, however, intact, they said.
"It should be the work of some creditors who had taken heavy loan, and they wanted to destroy evidence about loanstaken by them. It is stupidity as details of all documents are with the Head office also," a bank official said.
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