An unusual "visitor" in an ATM in Tamil Nadu sent customers into panic. A four-feet snake entered an ATM machine of IDBI bank near Thaneerpandal road in Coimbatore. After the customers raised an alarm, a snake catcher was called in to rescue the cobra.
Using a hook handle tool, the snake catcher caught hold of the cobra which was hiding behind the electrical cabinets placed inside the ATM.
Watch the heroic snake rescue from Tamil Nadu ATM here:
#WATCH Tamil Nadu: A Snake found inside an ATM near Thaneerpandal Road in Coimbatore; later rescued by a snake catcher. ( 23.04.2019)
— ANI (@ANI) April 24, 2019
Yesterday, a small snake held up Phase 3 voting for a brief while in Kerala. The snake, found inside a VVPAT (Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail) machine, triggered panic among election officials and voters in the polling booth at Mayyil Kandakkai in Kannur. The snake was removed soon after and polling was conducted peacefully.
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