A popular restaurant in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore has come up with a novel idea to stop wastage of food and water. The customers who completely finish their food, served to them on a banana leaf, get Rs 5 as a token gift from the restaurant. The hotel owner says that they are getting great response from the customers and the food wastage has considerably reduced.
"Earlier 95 per cent people would leave their food, but after we launched this scheme, they have started thinking and are not wasting it," the owner of RHR Pure Veg restaurant said with a smile.
"It's a small gesture. It will have an impact and we are hopeful that they will not waste any food in the future as well," he told news agency ANI.
The restaurant also serves only half a glass of water in the tumbler to prevent any water wastage. The customers are welcome to ask for more water if they want.
"We launched this scheme 15 days ago, and we are gifting Rs 5 coin to at least 100 people every day," the hotel owner said.
The customers are a happy lot too.
"This is an excellent move. Wasting food is against human rights. I would like to give this Rs 5 to the boy who served me," a customer said while handing over the coin to the waiter.
"This is PM Modi's Raj, this is new India. We all have to improve India," he said.
(With Inputs From ANI)
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