DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi, who has been undergoing treatment at Chennai's Kauvery hospital for over a week, is on continuous monitoring. The hospital, in a statement, said maintaining his vital organ functions remains a challenge in view of his age-related ailments."His response to the medical intervention over the next 24 hours will determine the prognosis," the statement read.
According to sources from both the Hospital and from his party, Mr Karunanidhi contracted jaundice and is facing difficulty breathing, which is leading to a "fluctuation in his condition".
The 94-year-old was admitted to Chennai's Kauvery hospital on July 28 after he contracted urinary tract infection. The doctors, after repeated health scares, advised M Karunanidhi to continue his stay in the hospital, citing "age related overall decline in his general health, altered liver function and haematological parameters".
Here are the highlights on the health of DMK President M Karunanidhi.
Today visited Kauvery hospital Chennai to see senior leader Sri M Karunanidhi ji. I enquired about his health and wished for his speedy recovery.
- Nitin Gadkari (@nitin_gadkari) August 6, 2018
Kauvery Hospital:
- J Sam Daniel Stalin (@jsamdaniel) August 6, 2018
Decline in medical condition of Karunanidhi
Maintaining vital organ functions remains a challenge considering his age related ailments
His response to the medical interventions will determine the prognosis
DMK Chief M Karunanidhi's health condition has declined, doctors said on Monday.
- Hundreds of supporters continue to gather outside the hospital after the hospital's health bulletin stating a "decline" in his health condition
- Chennai traffic police made slight diversions to the areas close to the hospital in view of the crowd
- Supporters pray and chant "Wake up Kalaignar", as they continue to gather in huge numbers
- Heavy security has been deployed outside the hospital
- Families of his sons and daughter are all present at the hospital
- Duraimurugan, A Raja among other top DMK leaders present at the hospital
- MLAs from other districts are also expected to reach Chennai soon
Outside visuals from Chennai's Kauvery hospital where DMK chief M Karunanidhi is admitted. #TamilNadu
- ANI (@ANI) August 6, 2018