Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reintroduce Jallikattu - the traditional bull-taming sport - in the state through an ordinance or executive order before next week. Jallikattu had been banned in the state in 2014 and in November, the Supreme Court had dismissed the state's plea seeking review of its judgment. The sport is usually held in rural areas during Pongal, the five-day harvest festival which will begin on January 14. It has not been held in the state for the last two years.
"There is resentment and disappointment in rural Tamil Nadu regarding the Jallikattu ban," read Mr Panneerselvam's letter to PM Modi. "There has been no action from the Centre on the suggestions made by the Tamil Nadu government."
The Central government had recently lifted the ban on Jallikattu by removing bulls from the list of animals that cannot be used for sport. The Supreme Court, however, put a freeze on that order.
Chief Minister Pannerselvam's request comes as parliament has been called into session, when it is not possible to issue an Ordinance. The budget session begins on January 30.
For years, animal rights activists have been campaigning for a ban on Jallikattu, citing cruelty to animals. Besides, there have been instances when participants and spectators have been gored and maimed.
Local communities and hence the political parties of the state, however, are eager to reintroduce the sport.
Even the opposition DMK has been pressing the Centre and the state government to take steps to reintroduce Jallikattu. Protests have also been held across the state by supporters of Jallikattu, demanding that it be held on Pongal this year.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reintroduce Jallikattu - the traditional bull-taming sport - in the state through an ordinance or executive order before next week. Jallikattu had been banned in the state in 2014 and in November, the Supreme Court had dismissed the state's plea seeking review of its judgment. The sport is usually held in rural areas during Pongal, the five-day harvest festival which will begin on January 14. It has not been held in the state for the last two years.
"There is resentment and disappointment in rural Tamil Nadu regarding the Jallikattu ban," read Mr Panneerselvam's letter to PM Modi. "There has been no action from the Centre on the suggestions made by the Tamil Nadu government."
The Central government had recently lifted the ban on Jallikattu by removing bulls from the list of animals that cannot be used for sport. The Supreme Court, however, put a freeze on that order.
Chief Minister Pannerselvam's request comes as parliament has been called into session, when it is not possible to issue an Ordinance. The budget session begins on January 30.
For years, animal rights activists have been campaigning for a ban on Jallikattu, citing cruelty to animals. Besides, there have been instances when participants and spectators have been gored and maimed.
Local communities and hence the political parties of the state, however, are eager to reintroduce the sport.
Even the opposition DMK has been pressing the Centre and the state government to take steps to reintroduce Jallikattu. Protests have also been held across the state by supporters of Jallikattu, demanding that it be held on Pongal this year.
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