The Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) on Tuesday said the agency has seized 11.152 kg of gold ornaments 118.506 kg of silver, incriminating documents, unaccounted cash of over 84 lakh, mobile phones, locker keys of several banks and computer hard discs during the raid conducted on the premises of former minister SP Velumani and of his 12 associates in six districts of Tamil Nadu and in Kerala.
Investment documents pertaining to crypto currencies to the tune of Rs 34 lakh were also detected, a press release from the DVAC said here.
Based on information that Mr Velumani had accumulated assets disproportionate to his known source of income of over Rs. 58.23 crore during 2016-2021 with the help of the 12, a case was registered and subsequently raids were carried out, said the release.
Further investigations are on, the release said. This is the second raid against the former minister, who belongs to the AIADMK, in the last eight months. The DVAC officials said they searched also the houses of AIADMK MLA K R Jayaaman here and of former MLA Shanmugam near here. Velumani was present on his property during the raid, they said.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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