In Tamil Nadu's Dindigul district, Dayalarajan, a tailor by profession, is worried about his daughter in Yemen. He and his wife, Shubashini, often sit glued to their TV set for some good news from the war-torn country.
Their 27-year-old elder daughter, Angeline, has been working as a nurse at a military hospital in Sana'a since last May and is now trapped in the troubled area.
It would take Angeline three hours to reach the harbour for her to board the ship to India, but the route isn't safe.
"The problem is the nurses can't come out of Sana'a on their own. The government should help them out. We request the state and central government to take responsibility," said Angeline's mother.
Angeline had moved to Yemen after finishing her diploma in nursing. The military hospital where she works is yet to return her passport.
"Not just our daughter, the government should ensure every Indian is brought back home safe. All go there only for livelihood and opportunity," her mother said.
The government has so far evacuated over 700 of the near 4000 Indians in Yemen.
Severe Fighting has been going on in Yemen since January 22, when the legitimate government under President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi was ousted by Shiite Houthi forces. This has provoked the recent military campaign by a coalition of 10 countries lead by Saudi Arabia. The air raids have left 83 people killed and about 350 others injured across the country.
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