In a shocking incident at a residential school in the hill town of Kodaikanal in Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu, a 16-year-old boy was murdered allegedly by his classmate. S Kapil Raghavendra, a student of Class 10 at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Gandhi Vidyashram, was attacked inside a hostel building after dinner on Monday. He was stabbed with a pair of scissors and then beaten using a cricket stump over what police have described as a "petty issue".
Kapil Raghavendra, whose family lives in Hosur in Krishnagiri district, which is approximately 425 km away from Kodaikanal, was rushed to a private hospital where he was declared dead on arrival.
The accused, identified as Shree Harrish, is also 16 years old and comes from Virudunagar district in Tamil Nadu. He has been arrested for murder and shifted to a children's home in Salem district. The police have recovered the murder weapons and a post-mortem report is awaited.
Alongside the police investigation, a team from the district educational office has also visited the school, which is 530 km from the state capital of Chennai, and is also conducting an inquiry into the incident.
Shree Harrish had twice faced disciplinary action from school authorities in the recent past; the most recent occasion was last month. It is believed there was some enmity between the two students.
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