The website of actor Kamal Haasan's political party Makkal Needhi Maiam has been hacked, the party said. The cyber attack on came to light after a post on the site said the party would be merged with the Congress. Titled "Big announcement for 2024 Lok Sabha elections by Makkal Needhi Maiam", the "press release" hosted on the party website said, "The formal merger will take place on 30th January 2023".
The site has now been shut down for "maintenance". Denying any such move, Murali Abbas, spokesperson of the party told NDTV "There is no grain of truth in this. There is no such plans to merge with the Congress. Our website has been hacked".
The party also informed about the hacking on its Twitter handle.
The party also informed about the hacking on its Twitter handle.
Talks about Kamal Haasan partnership with the Congress gained ground after the MNM leader MARCHED with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Yatra in Delhi recently.
Kamal Haasan had then said "It is our responsibility to reclaim the lost ethos of our Bharat. This (Bharat Jodo campaign) is a yatra that is beyond politics".
A few days ago he had also extended unconditional support to the Congress candidate of the ruling DMK alliance for the bypolls in Erode East assembly constituency.
"There is nothing called compromise when it comes to people. I am a centrist. Ideology shouldn't impede service to people", the actor-politician had TOLD NDTV on Wednesday. Tacitly taking on the BJP, he added "I hate monoculture. My battle starts here in a small ground and would expand nationally".
Kamal Haasan launched MNM in 2018 promising to fight against corruption, dynastic politics, besides rural empowerment among others. The party had drawn a blank in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls and 2021 assembly polls.