Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin today dismissed the allegations that his government has 'encroached' temples in the state. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at a speech in Telangana, had alleged that the DMK government had taken control of Hindu temples in Tamil Nadu, hinting at financial irregularities. The Prime Minister had also claimed that the Tamil Nadu government was looting temple wealth.
Refuting the allegations, Stalin said that a group of people were trying to gain political mileage by misusing spiritualism.
"I categorically deny this allegation and convey my strong condemnation to the Prime Minister," Stalin said during an event to mark the 200th birth anniversary of saint Vallalar.
He demanded to know how Narendra Modi, who holds a responsible and high office in the nation could level such a wrong and defamatory allegation.
The DMK chief also hit out at a Tamil newspaper for publishing the "lie uttered by the Prime Minister".
Stalin also mentioned the work that his government had done in regard with temples. He said his government had reclaimed temple land worth Rs 3,700 crore rupees in the two years since they came to power.
"Please tell me, is this wrong? we have held consecration ceremonies for 1,000 temples; is this wrong? Work is on, at a cost of Rs 100 crore, to refurbish 112 historic temples that are 1,000 year old. Is this wrong," Stalin asked the crowd.
Also, renovation work for 5,078 temples - including 1,250 shrines in areas where SCs and STs live and 1,250 village temples - are set to be taken up this year, Stalin said.
Stalin slammed the Prime Minister for "building a false narrative" and questioned why he was speaking about another state while addressing people of Telangana.
Stalin, while refraining from naming anyone, also criticised people who seek to "exploit spiritualism for political gain". He said that these tactics would not work in the state as people can distinguish between politics and spirituality.
The BJP has often stated that the government should not have any control over temples.
Temples in Tamil Nadu were brought under the purview of the state government through a series of changes in 1960. At present, Tamil Nadu government oversees the administration at 46,086 Hindu and Jain temples. Among these, 589 temples have an annual income of over Rs 10 lakh.
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