A revenue department officer of Tamil Nadu's Dharampuri district has been caught on camera playing Candy Crush Saga on cellphone during an official meeting with farmers to discuss their problems. The meeting, which was attended by dozens of farmers, was held on Friday.
In the video footage, the officer, S Kavitha, is seen seated next to District Collector K Vivekanandan, immersed in the game - the cellphone kept carefully below the desk level.
As one farmer after another rose to speak, she played on, switching off only when the game ended.
The Collector, who apparently did not notice anything amiss, ordered a probe when the agitated farmers of this drought-prone area complained after the video went viral on social media.
"We come to these meetings expecting solutions. If this is true, stringent action ought to be taken against her," said a local leader from the Tamil Nadu Farmers' Association.
Data from the National Crime Records Bureau say this year, 68 farmers had committed suicide in the state. Last year, 827 farm labourers had committed suicide.
Mr G Ramakrishnan, State Secretary of the CPI(M) said, "This reflects the callous attitude of the Officer towards farmers".
"We've asked for an explanation by the officer and we will forward it to the Public Department, which can take action if need be," said Mr Vivekanandan.
Ms Kavitha, who is attached to a cooperative sugar factory in Harur area, couldn't be reached for her comments.
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