Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E Palaniswami and his deputy O Pannerselvam paid tribute to former Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on her first death anniversary today. Clad in black, the two led a silent march of nearly 4,000 party workers and ardent fans from Anna Salai to Jayalalithaa's mausoleum on Marina beach, blocking the beach road for around two hours.Police estimates say around 50,000 people have paid tributes to Ms Jayalalithaa so far.
Mr Panneerselvam, who had been one of her loyal supporters and stand-in, administered an oath to party cadre to follow the ideals of Ms Jayalalithaa.
Traffic was also thrown out of gear in North Chennai. Hoardings with pictures of the former Chief Minister dotted the stretch along the Marina. Some even blocked the pedestrian paths. Some of the hoardings and posters had pictures of the Chief Minister and Mr Panneerselvam.
The Congress tweeted, saying
Adored as 'Amma', #Jayalalithaa was one of the most dynamic leaders of Tamil Nadu, who left a legacy for the ages. We remember her on her first death anniversary. pic.twitter.com/7x1LSDNukV
- Congress (@INCIndia) December 5, 2017
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