In what's being seen as Kamal Haasan taking on the Tamil Nadu government, the actor in a tweet has appealed to his fans and the public to report corruption in the state to ministers concerned online, noting complaints on paper would be torn and thrown away. "Let a few lakh complaints reach ministers. Will you arrest all? Or will you respond? In the entire south there wouldn't be space for all in jails" the 62-year-old actor tweeted on Wednesday evening.
Last week, at his press meet meant to respond to allegations of vulgarity in his debut reality TV show 'Bigg Boss Tamil', Kamal Haasan had said "There's corruption everywhere in the state". Local Administration Minister had tacitly said a case would be filed against the actor if he continued to make unsubstantiated allegations and challenged him to present evidence. Finance Minister Jayakumar had followed suit.
DMK Working President MK Stalin and former Chief Minister O Panneerselvam too had supported the actor. Mr Stalin said, "In a democracy everyone has the right to question the government." Meanwhile, Mr Panneerselvam said, "Tamil Nadu ministers shouldn't speak like threatening Kamal Haasan. The government should respond only to the issues raised."
Giving his personal account of corruption faced by film industry, Kamal added, "There's bribery for grant of tax exemption for films. Except a few like me many abet corruption. If only bold filmmakers would raise their voice, the government's corruption bowl will overflow."
To politicians who asked him to take a political plunge, Mr Haasan said, "I became an adolescent politician the day I opposed Hindi imposition."
His tweet also mentions the URL to the page on Tamil Nadu government's website that has the list of ministers.
On Tuesday, Kamal Haasan had tweeted a tacit, politically loaded message to look out for a key announcement the next day. However, it happened to be his appointment as ambassador to Tamilthalaivas, a Kabaddi team owned by Sachin Tendulkar and actor Chiranjeevi.
Many in the political circles also whisper if Kamal Haasan is making these statements to draw maximum publicity for his new role and his ongoing TV show.
Last week, at his press meet meant to respond to allegations of vulgarity in his debut reality TV show 'Bigg Boss Tamil', Kamal Haasan had said "There's corruption everywhere in the state". Local Administration Minister had tacitly said a case would be filed against the actor if he continued to make unsubstantiated allegations and challenged him to present evidence. Finance Minister Jayakumar had followed suit.
DMK Working President MK Stalin and former Chief Minister O Panneerselvam too had supported the actor. Mr Stalin said, "In a democracy everyone has the right to question the government." Meanwhile, Mr Panneerselvam said, "Tamil Nadu ministers shouldn't speak like threatening Kamal Haasan. The government should respond only to the issues raised."
Giving his personal account of corruption faced by film industry, Kamal added, "There's bribery for grant of tax exemption for films. Except a few like me many abet corruption. If only bold filmmakers would raise their voice, the government's corruption bowl will overflow."
To politicians who asked him to take a political plunge, Mr Haasan said, "I became an adolescent politician the day I opposed Hindi imposition."
His tweet also mentions the URL to the page on Tamil Nadu government's website that has the list of ministers.
On Tuesday, Kamal Haasan had tweeted a tacit, politically loaded message to look out for a key announcement the next day. However, it happened to be his appointment as ambassador to Tamilthalaivas, a Kabaddi team owned by Sachin Tendulkar and actor Chiranjeevi.
Many in the political circles also whisper if Kamal Haasan is making these statements to draw maximum publicity for his new role and his ongoing TV show.
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