Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev today wrote to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister EK Palaniswami and Opposition leader MK Stalin urging them to bring temple reforms in Tamil Nadu. Highlighting the issue of condition of temples in the state, he wrote in his letter that he has the support of over 3 crore Tamils seeking this reform.
"Not only have the citizens of this state spoken their will, so have spiritual leaders of the community who have long sought this reform," he said in his second letter to the Chief Minister EK Palaniswami and Opposition Leader MK Stalin.
Sharing the letters he sent to the Chief Minister EPS and Opposition leader MK Stalin, Sadhguru posted an appeal to the leaders on his Twitter handle: "Hereby, I convey the heartfelt wishes of over 3 crore Tamils. As responsible political leaders, I beseech that you liberate temples, the core of Dravidian pride, to be always remembered as the restorers of the soul of Tamil Nadu to its full glory."
He urged the Chief Minister and the Opposition Leader to make a promise to the Tamil people that "their beloved temples will be given back to them under your leadership."
Recently, Sadhguru sent an open letter to the two leaders asking them to include in their respective poll manifesto that temples would be free from state control.