According to the affidavit filed with her nomination papers for the RK Nagar constituency, Jayalalithaa owns movable assets worth Rs 41.63 crore and immovable assets Rs 72.09 crore. (Press Trust of India photo)
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa owns movable and immovable property worth over Rs 113.73 crore, as per the affidavit filed along with her nomination for the May 16 Assembly elections, a decline of Rs 3.4 crore compared to the value of her assets declared while contesting the by-poll last year.
However, over a five-year period, Ms Jayalalithaa's asset value has seen a five-fold growth.
According to the affidavit filed today with her nomination papers for the RK Nagar constituency, Ms Jayalalithaa owns movable assets worth Rs 41.63 crore and immovable assets Rs 72.09 crore.
She said that as gold articles weighing 21,280.300 grams has been seized by police and are lying in the Karnataka treasury and not in her possession, their exact value could not be ascertained.
Her total liabilities are around Rs 2.04 crore.
During the 2011 Assembly elections, Ms Jayalalithaa had declared a total assets worth Rs 51.4 crore.
On the other hand, DMK leader M Karunanidhi who is contesting from Tiruvarur constituency, has declared assets worth around Rs 63 crore - including assets owned by his two wives - which is an increase of about 54 per cent as compared to asset value declared by him for the 2011 Assembly elections.
However, over a five-year period, Ms Jayalalithaa's asset value has seen a five-fold growth.
According to the affidavit filed today with her nomination papers for the RK Nagar constituency, Ms Jayalalithaa owns movable assets worth Rs 41.63 crore and immovable assets Rs 72.09 crore.
She said that as gold articles weighing 21,280.300 grams has been seized by police and are lying in the Karnataka treasury and not in her possession, their exact value could not be ascertained.
Her total liabilities are around Rs 2.04 crore.
During the 2011 Assembly elections, Ms Jayalalithaa had declared a total assets worth Rs 51.4 crore.
On the other hand, DMK leader M Karunanidhi who is contesting from Tiruvarur constituency, has declared assets worth around Rs 63 crore - including assets owned by his two wives - which is an increase of about 54 per cent as compared to asset value declared by him for the 2011 Assembly elections.
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