A nine-year-old girl from Tamil Nadu, who has been saving for a bicycle for the last four years, has decided to use the money to help people in Kerala. Anupriya, a resident of Villupuram, has given away about Rs 9,000 of her savings.
"I have been saving money for a cycle. But when I saw visuals of Kerala flood on TV, I decided to donate the money," she told reporters.
Her gesture has moved a cycle manufacturer, which has promised to gift the cycle of her dreams. In fact, she will get a new bike every year.
"Dear Anupriya, We appreciate your gesture to support humanity in the hour of need. You would get a brand new cycle from us," the official handle of Hero Cycles tweeted.
Pankaj M Munjal, Chairman and Managing Director of Hero Motors Company, praised Anupriya and tweeted, "Anupriya, parnam to you. You are a noble soul and wish you spread the good around. Hero is too pleased to give you one bike every year of your life. Pl share your contact on my account. Love you and best wishes. Prayers for Kerala."
Congress MP from Kerala, Shashi Tharoor, welcomed the gesture. "Thanks to Hero Cycles for donating a bicycle to a 9-year-old girl who gave up all that she was saving for a cycle to help the victims of the #KeralaFloods," he said in a tweet.
Heavy monsoon in Kerala have claimed 191 lives since August 8 and has displaced over 7.14 lakh people from their homes. The centre, various state governments and people of India have extended a helping hand to Kerala.
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