The Tamil Nadu government today announced major relaxations, including the resumption of metro services and inter-district public transport, as it extended the Covid lockdown in the state by a week. State capital Chennai and three surrounding districts - Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Chengalpet -have been provided major relaxations as part of the easing of lockdown amid the receding second Covid wave.
The ongoing lockdown in the state has been extended till June 28. The relaxations will not be enforced in Coimbatore and 10 other districts that have been categorised as hotspots, officials said.
Here are the key relaxations provided by the state government:
- Inter-district and intra-district public transport in the districts of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Chengalpet will be allowed to operate with 50% occupancy. Metrorail operation will also be allowed with 50 per cent seat occupancy.
- No e-registeration required for cabs and autos in these four districts
- Cinema and TV serial shooting can commence with a maximum of 100 people. All of them have to undergo a mandatory Covid test.
- All construction works will be allowed in four districts
- Shops selling computer hardware, software, electronic appliances, spare parts and shops selling construction materials can function between 9 AM and 7 PM in the four districts
- Standalone shops - grocery, fruit and meat shops - allowed from 6 am - 7 pm
- Restaurants allowed takeaway services from 6 am - 9 pm
- E-commerce services allowed between 6 am - 9 pm
- Government offices can work at 100 per cent strength. Sub-registrar offices can function fully.
- Admission-related work in educational institutions will be allowed from allowed tomorrow
- While private offices in Chennai will be allowed to function with 50 per cent staff, companies in other districts will not be allowed to work more than 33 per cent of staff strength.
- While export units can function with full strength, other industries to continue with 50 per cent staff.
- Automative showrooms to operate from 9 am - 7 pm
- Mandatory e-registeration for plumbers, carpenters, computer/motor technicians for home visit
- Footwear and optical shops can function between 9 am and 5 pm in Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Chengalpet. Meanwhile, vehicle dealers and distributors in these districts have been allowed two hour extension (9 am - 7 pm)
- Salons, beauty parlours allowed to function without air conditioners
Tamil Nadu recorded 8,183 fresh Covid cases on Saturday, pushing the caseload to 24.14 lakh. About 31,000 people have died in the state due to the virus.
Tamil Nadu recorded its highest daily cases at 36,184 on May 21 and since then has been reporting a declining trend.