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This Article is From Dec 25, 2018

Teen Stabs Mother For Stopping Her From Eloping With "Facebook Lover"

The accused had her bags packed and was ready to elope when her mother stopped her. She then stabbed her mother to death.

Tamil Nadu News

The girl along with three others have been arrested in the case (Representational)


A girl, said to be in her teens, allegedly killed her mother after she was stopped from running away with her Facebook 'boyfriend', the police said Tuesday.

The accused Devi Priya, a college student, had fallen in love with her Facebook friend Vivek and wanted him to take her to his hometown, the police said.

Vivek, who apparently works at a garment shop, told her that he would not be able to come and sent two of his friends Satish and Vignesh to her house to pick her up, the police said.

When Priya's mother Banumathy saw that she had packed her bags and going to elope, she confronted her and tried to stop her.

Angry at being stopped, Priya took the kitchen knife and stabbed her mother to death, the police said.


But, as soon as the boys planned to escape, the villagers spotted the blood stains on their shirt and arrested them, the police said.

The three were handed over to the police.


A case under relevant sections of the law has been registered.
