Tamil Nadu has recorded 50 per cent plus rainfall above normal during the ongoing North East monsoon season from October 1 till date and 53 of the 90 key reservoirs crossed 76 per cent storage, authorities said.
During this period, the rainfall recorded in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry was 38 CM, which is 51 per cent above normal, 25 CM being the usual level.
As regards Chennai district, for the same period, the experienced downpour was 61 CM while the usual is 41 CM, which is 50 per cent above normal, Deputy Director General of Meteorology, S Balachandran said.
The 'red alert', indicating heavy to extremely heavy rainfall, is valid for Chennai on November 10 and 11, he said.
A Meterological department bulletin said the red alert is applicable to northern Chennai, Tiruvallur, Chengelpet, Kancheepuram, Ranipet, Villupuram and Cuddalore districts on November 10.
A red alert is a warning for state agencies to be prepared and take suitable action.
On November 11, besides Chennai, the red category warning is applicable to Tiruvallur, Ranipet, Vellore, Tirupattur, Tiruvannamalai, Kallakurichi and Salem.
The likely depression is expected to cross north Tamil Nadu and south Andhra Pradesh coast on November 11 evening, the department said.
On November 12, rainfall is expected only in the hilly Nilgiris, Coimbatore, Salem, Tirupattur and Vellore.
The Tamil Nadu government said the state has registered rainfall 52 per cent above normal during the monsoon season from October 1 and till November 10. The recorded rainfall is 38.81 CM, while the usual is 25.52 CM for this period, an official release said here.
"Of the 90 key reservoirs in Tamil Nadu, storage level in 53 such facilities has gone above 76 per cent. Out of the 14,138 lakes, storage in 9,153 waterbodies has crossed 50 per cent and 3,691 lakes have crossed 100 per cent."
While the Thervoy Kandigai reservoir near here touched 100 per cent, the storage position in other similar city facilities, including Chembarambakkam, Cholavaram, Poondi ranged between 73.66 per cent and 83.21 per cent.
On Wednesday, Chennai and nearby northern regions of Tamil Nadu experienced heavy rainfall.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)