The Tamil Nadu BJP on Tuesday barred its OBC wing leader from party events after an audio clip in which he is purportedly heard using abusive language against a woman colleague went viral, and removed an actor from her posts for alleged anti-party activities.
BJP TN President K Annamalai said the telephonic conversation between the party's State General Secretary, OBC Morcha, Trichy Surya Siva with that of state BJP minority wing head Daisy Saran "came to my knowledge." A one-man disciplinary panel has been asked to submit a report on the matter to the party high command within a week and till that time "we advise Surya Siva not to attend party programmes," Annamalai said in a statement, uploaded on the state BJP's official Twitter handle.
Surya, son of senior DMK leader and the party's Rajya Sabha MP Trichy Siva, had joined the BJP in May this year.
In a separate statement, Annamalai announced the suspension of actor Gayathri Raguramm for six months from all her party posts for "repeatedly violating party discipline and bring disrepute" to it.
Among others, she is State President of Other State and Overseas Tamil Development and Art and Culture State wing.
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