A mahout in Tamil Nadu's Thekkampatti has trained his elephant to play the mouth organ. A video on Twitter shows the elephant Lakshmi, holding the instrument with her trunk and swaying as she plays it.
Lakshmi's mahout Balan says that it took a lot of time and patience to train her to play the musical instrument. "I had to struggle a lot to train Lakshmi to play the mouth organ. She had broken the instrument 3-4 times, but I did not give up. I kept on trying and slowly, she started learning it," he told news agency ANI.
In Tamil Nadu's Thekkampatti, an exclusive rejuvenation camp is organised for temple elephants. The elephants are given medicinal baths and nutritious food.
#WATCH: An elephant named Lakshmi plays mouth organ at a rejuvenation camp in Thekkampatti. #TamilNadu pic.twitter.com/y4nnAmS36p
- ANI (@ANI) January 20, 2019
In 2016, 30 elephants took part in a 48-day rejuvenation camp in Tamil Nadu. They were provided a special diet based on their age. The elephants are accompanied by their owners and can be as young as eight.
(With inputs from ANI and PTI)
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