Fire-Boltt Gladiator smartwatch with a 1.96-inch screen and Bluetooth calling is said to launch in India on December 30. The new affordable smartwatch strongly resembles the Apple Watch Ultra in terms of design, and will reportedly be priced at Rs. 2,499. The basic smartwatch additionally has various tools and features, including preinstalled games and health tracking functionality, as well as a large screen with a high peak brightness of 600 nits. The design will appeal to fans of the Apple Watch Ultra, while the affordable pricing of the Fire-Boltt Gladiator will itself be a strong draw to buyers looking an affordable basic smartwatch.
Fire-Boltt Gladiator price, availability
The Fire-Boltt Gladiator already has a live teaser page suggesting that the device will be launched on Amazon. Various specifications and features of the smartwatch have been revealed through the teaser page, along with images that reveal the design of the device. From the pictures, the resemblance to the Rs. 89,900 Apple Watch Ultra is quite clear, particularly on the right side where the crown and button and placed within a protective element that juts out from the casing.
A report by MySmartPrice further reveals that the Fire-Boltt Gladiator will be priced at Rs. 2,499 in India, and will go on sale on December 30. It's likely that the smartwatch will also be available on the company's own online store in the coming days as well.
Fire-Boltt Gladiator specifications, features
The key features of the Fire-Boltt Gladiator are the large 1.96-inch screen - interestingly slightly larger than that of the Apple Watch Ultra. The screen has a peak brightness of 600 nits, and there is also Bluetooth calling that lets users place and receive phone calls from the paired smartphone directly on the watch itself. Battery life is claimed to be around seven days with mixed usage, and the crown and button are both functional for navigation and controls.
Various health tracking features such as SpO2, heart rate, and sleep tracking are inbuilt, and the smartwatch is IP67 rated for dust and water resistance. Other tools such as calculator, alarms, camera controls, exercise modes, and customisable watch faces and UI are also present on the Fire-Boltt Gladiator.
Fire-Boltt has quickly grown to become one of the leading smartwatch brands by product shipments and market share, backed by strong performance of its affordable products in India. The brand competes against other India-focused brands such as Noise, Pebble, and Boat, along with affordable devices from global brands such as Amazfit and Xiaomi.