The Motorola Edge 30 Fusion was launched in India in September, 2023 at Rs. 42,999. The smartphone is a premium device and was announced in two finishes — Cosmic Grey and Solar Gold. Motorola recently announced a new Viva Magenta finish globally in collaboration with Pantone. While the design of the phone and its hardware remain the same as before, the phone gets a bright new red-coloured finish which brings the number of colour options to three. After announcing it globally, Motorola has now made it official that this third colour option will be going on sale in India as well.
Motorola shared a tweet earlier, announcing that the new Viva Magenta variant of its Motorola Edge 30 Fusion smartphone will be coming to India this week. The date of the release is set for January 12 at 3:00pm. According to the company, the smartphone will be available for purchase via Flipkart. The new colour option of the smartphone will also be available offline exclusively at Reliance Digital stores, and is already listed on Motorola's official website.
The Chinese smartphone maker previously announced this new colour option of the Edge 30 Fusion last month. Viva Magenta is Pantone's 2023 colour of the year, so we can expect fashion designers to pick this colour as well and it is likely to be a popular choice for 2023. According to Motorola, the smartphone is priced at Rs. 42,999, which is the same as the standard model.
While the Viva Magenta #motorolaedge30fusion steals hearts with its bold & dynamic shade, also steals the show with its Performance with Snapdragon®️ 888+ 5G Processor! Enjoy a smooth performance & #FindYourEdge as sale starts 12th Jan., 3 PM on @flipkart & leading retail stores.
— Motorola India (@motorolaindia) January 5, 2023
The Motorola Edge 30 Fusion is currently available in an 8GB + 128GB storage configuration that is priced at Rs. 42,999 in India. The device features a slim and lightweight design with curved edges and sure looks the part as we have highlighted in our review. The smartphone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888+ SoC, which is commonly found in smartphones in and around this price point.
It sports a 6.55-inch full-HD+ curved edge pOLED display which has a screen refresh rate of up to 144Hz. Its primary camera has a 50-megapixel resolution and also comes with optical image stabilisation (OIS) and omni-directional phase detection autofocus (PDAF). There's a 13-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera and a macro vision camera as well. Selfies are handled by a 32-megapixel camera. The phone is powered by a 4,400mAh battery and comes with 68W fast-charging support.
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