OnePlus has confirmed the India launch date of the OnePlus 11 5G. The company will launch its latest flagship Android smartphone in India on February 7. Alongside, OnePlus will also refresh its truly wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds lineup with the launch of the OnePlus Buds Pro 2. The company has already dropped teasers, confirming the camera module design and some other features of the OnePlus 11 5G. While we wait for more official announcements, the OnePlus 11 5G has been reportedly spotted on the Geekbench website.
The Geekbench listing reportedly suggests that the OnePlus 11 5G has the model number PHB110. The listing was spotted by tipster Mukul Sharma. As per the report, the OnePlus flagship smartphone may draw power from a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, which is codenamed Kalama. The listing reportedly suggests that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC powering the OnePlus 11 5G has a peak clock speed of 3.19GHz. The SoC also comes with four performance cores clocked at 2.8GHz and three efficiency cores clocked at 2.02GHz.
In addition to this, the OnePlus 11 is reportedly listed on Geekbench with 16GB of RAM. Global markets in the past have never got a 16GB RAM OnePlus flagship, but things could change with the OnePlus 11. We do expect the company to launch the phone with 8GB and 12GB RAM options as well. The phone is said to have scored 1,493 and 5,112 points in Geekbench's single-core and multi-core tests. It also suggests that the phone will run Android 13 out-of-the-box. The global variant is said to have a layer of Oxygen OS 13 on top of Android, whereas in China, OnePlus will debut its flagship with ColorOS 13.
Other specifications of the OnePlus 11 have leaked in the past. The phone was spotted on the 3C certification website, which revealed its support for 100W fast charging.
Some reports also suggest that the phone will come with a 6.7-inch QHD+ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate support. The screen is said to be curved and sport a hole-punch cutout at the top left corner, according to the leaked design renders.
The device's triple-camera setup is also expected to feature a 50-megapixel Sony IMX890 main camera with support for optical image stabilisation (OIS), a 48-megapixel ultra-wide camera, and a 32-megapixel telephoto camera. There could also be a 32-megapixel front camera for selfies. The phone is rumoured to pack a 5,000mAh battery as well.