Redmi 11A, tipped to be the latest budget smartphone offering from the Chinese smartphone company, has reportedly been spotted on the IMDA website database. The smartphone had previously been spotted on TENAA and BIS databases. For the Indian variant of the Redmi 11A, the smartphone sports the model number 22120RN861, according to a recent report. The IMDA certification reportedly suggests that the smartphone will launch in China as well as make in India. However, the latest certification doesn't provide any further key specifications about the smartphone from Redmi.
According to a recent report by MySmartPrice, Redmi 11A has reportedly appeared on the IMDA databse with the model number 22120RN86G, where G stands for the global availability of the smartphone. Meanwhile, the Indian variant of the smartphone sported the model number 22120RN86I, while the model number 22120RN86C is believed to be corresponding to the China ariant of the Redmi 11A.
Redmi 11A is expected to be launched by the Xiaomi-owned subsidiary Redmi as a successor to the Redmi 10A.
Redmi 11A specifications, features (expected)
As mentioned, the smartphone had previously been spotted on China's regulatory authority TENAA's certification database, which suggested that the smartphone could arrive in 2GB, 4GB, 6GB, and 8GB RAM options and with 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB of inbuilt storage. The inbuilt storage may feature an expansion capacity of up to 512GB. The China listing also suggested that the handset could sport a hole-punch display housing a 5-megapixel camera on the front. Meanwhile, the rear camera setup is expected to be led a 50-megapixel rear sensor housed in a rectangular module. Furthermore, the listing also suggested the phone to be powered by a 4,900mAh battery backup.
The display on the purported Redmi 11A is expected to feature a 6.7-inch display with 720x1,650 pixels resolution. In terms of sensors, the listing suggests that the Redmi 11A may feature a gravity sensor and a fingerprint sensor for security verification.