Samsung Galaxy A52 5G and Galaxy M62 have reportedly received an update to Android 13 with the company's One UI 5.0 interface. The Android 13 update for the Samsung Galaxy A52 5G comes with firmware version A526BXXU1DVK2 and the latest update is rolling out across Europe, according to a report. The current update is said to include the November 2022 security patch. The smartphone received the Android 12 update in India and Europe back in January. Meanwhile, the Android 13-based One UI 5 update for the Samsung Galaxy M62 has begun rolling out in some Asian countries.
According to recent reports by SamMobile, the One UI 5.0 update based on Android 13 is rolling out to the Samsung Galaxy A52 5G and Galaxy M62. As mentioned earlier, the Android 13 update for the Galaxy A52 5G comes with the firmware version A526BXXU1DVK2. This update has released in Europe and will include the November 2022 security patch.
The One UI 5.0 update based on Android 13 for the Samsung Galaxy A52 5G is said to have rolled out to countries including Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the Baltic region, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, the Nordic region, and the UK. To recall, the smartphone received the Android 12 update in India and a few European countries this January.
Meanwhile, the One UI 5.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy M62 has reportedly rolled out to some Asian countries including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Vietnam. The update is said to come with the firmware version M625FXXU2CVK2 and comes with the November 2022 security patches.
Eligible Samsung Galaxy A52 5G and Galaxy M62 handsets in the abovementioned regions will receive the latest update automatically. However, you can also manually check for the update on your handset by heading to Settings > Software update > Download and install. It is recommended to update smartphones while they are connected to a strong Wi-Fi network and put on charging, in order to prevent the use of mobile data and ensure the phone has enough power to install the update without interruption.