Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Monday asked officials to ensure piped drinking water reached every household by March 31 under the "Mission Bhagiradha", a flagship scheme of the TRS government launched in 2016.
"The CM desired that from April 1, 2019 not even a single person anywhere in the state is seen carrying a water pot or a vessel for fetching water from other than the house," a release from his office said.
Mr Rao held a meeting with MLAs and officials on the implementation of the scheme.
He made it clear that water should reach each and every habitation even if it is part of either a hilly area or forest area or a remote region. Officials should not hesitate to spend any amount of money, the release said.
Officials informed that tap connections had been provided to 95 per cent of households, it said.
The 'Mission Bhagiratha' was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 7, 2016 during his maiden visit to the youngest state of the country.
According to official sources, Mission Bhagiratha is a massive project with an outlay of Rs 43,791 crores, targeted to cover 2.72 crore people and 65.29 lakh households.
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