Four members of a family including two children died due to electrocution at their house in Kamareddy district of Telangana on Tuesday, police said. The victims include a 38-year-old man, his 35-year old wife and their two children aged six and four, Kamareddy District Superintendent of Police B Srinivas Reddy said.
The incident happened at around 1.30 Pm when the woman was drying clothes on an iron wire put on the wall of their house which came in contact with an open electric fuse (box), resulting in the woman initially getting electrocuted, police said.
The woman's husband who attempted to rescue her was also electrocuted and their children who went towards them also died due to electrocution, police said.
The bodies were shifted to a government hospital. A case was booked.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)