Dressed in white and gold robes, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao performed a "Yagnam" or prayers at his farmhouse on Sunday. The Telangana Rashtra Samithi chief, who is known for his elaborate religious rituals, organised the puja before launching another round of campaigning for the December 7 state election.
The rituals performed by Mr Rao, popularly known as KCR, included offerings made to a holy pyre at his property in Siddipet.
A government statement said KCR performed 'Raja Syamala Yagam', 'Chandi Yagam' and other rituals at his farmhouse, in which his wife and other family members also participated.
The prayers end with the "poornahuti" or concluding ritual on Monday at 11.11 am, the statement said.
It said the yagnam is conducted for the prosperity of the state, well-being of its people and for "successfully taking forward various developmental programmes".
Last week, KCR offered prayers at a temple and placed nomination papers at the deity's feet before submitting them at the election office, at an "auspicious" time.
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