Devinder Singh, also known as 'Bunty Chor' or 'Super thief', was arrested today from a hotel in Pune in a joint operation by the Maharashtra and the Kerala Police. The arrest came six days after Bunty reportedly broke into a high security house of NRI businessman Venugopalan Nair in Thiruvananthapuram and stole goods worth Rs 50 lakh, according to the police.
He allegedly deactivated electronic surveillance devices and drove off with a sports utility vehicle (SUV) worth Rs.28 lakh, a laptop and two mobile phones from Mr Nair's house.
Pune's Additional Commissioner of Police Chandrashekhar Daithankar told the media today that Bunty will be handed over to the Kerala Police.
Mr Daithankar said that Bunty has hundreds of cases against him in different states across the country; 300 in the national capital alone, said the police today.
A Bollywood movie, 'Oye Lucky, Lucky Oye', based on Bunty's life was made in 2008. Bunty also took part in the popular reality show 'Bigg Boss' in 2010.
(With inputs from IANS)
He allegedly deactivated electronic surveillance devices and drove off with a sports utility vehicle (SUV) worth Rs.28 lakh, a laptop and two mobile phones from Mr Nair's house.
Pune's Additional Commissioner of Police Chandrashekhar Daithankar told the media today that Bunty will be handed over to the Kerala Police.
Mr Daithankar said that Bunty has hundreds of cases against him in different states across the country; 300 in the national capital alone, said the police today.
A Bollywood movie, 'Oye Lucky, Lucky Oye', based on Bunty's life was made in 2008. Bunty also took part in the popular reality show 'Bigg Boss' in 2010.
(With inputs from IANS)
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