This Article is From Mar 05, 2015

Thiruvananthapuram Students Demand Hostel Curfew Extension

Students of Thiruvananthapuram's College of Engineering are protesting, demanding an extension in their hostel curfew.


Students of Thiruvananthapuram's College of Engineering have started a 'Break the Curfew' campaign on Facebook, in a bid to get their hostel deadlines extended from 6:30 pm to 9 pm. Some of the students supporting the movement have said the restrictions are proving to be a serious hindrance for female students from taking part and contributing in projects and presentations.

The hostel presently has a curfew of 6:30 pm. The management justifies this, saying such an arrangement is necessary to ensure the safety of the students considering the fact the 80-acre campus does not have a compound wall. However, the students are in no mood to accept this explanation.

"Why should we be locked up inside the hostel at 6:30pm, when the anti-social elements are free outside?" asks Gayatri, a student.

Others complain of difficulties with logistics. Jinu, a civil engineering student, says there are days when she has had to leave the college hostel at 6:30 pm, and wait at the railway station to catch a late train back home. "How is staying at the railway station seen as safe, if security is being cited as thier concern?" she asks.

The principal of the college, S Sheela, rubbished this claim, saying the college arranged transport for the students whenever required.

The students received the support of local Lok Sabha MP, Shashi Tharoor, who tweeted:



Many girls say their social life and ability to pursue academic and extracurricular interests is getting curbed.

Pratush Narayanan, in support of his women colleagues at college, says, "Girls can hardly contribute to major projects or presentations. It's a big barrier for them, something that stops them from reaching the level we men can."

"We want the freedom to excercise our choice," says Chitra S.

 Capitalising on this sentiment, the SFI that won the college elections two months ago had promised extension of curfew hours. But that's not going to happen soon. The college wants the consent of parents before bringing in any change in rules.

"These students want to go out of hostel after 6pm to the library or laboratory, they just have to give in writing to the warden. They are permitted till 9 pm in that case," says Ms Sheela, the principal.