Prime Minister Narendra Modi while reviving the Talcher Fertilizer Plant in Odisha's Jharsuguda on Saturday, hinted that his government will be back in power in 2019. He said he will come back in the state to review it after 36 months, when the plant is operational. Showering praises on the crowd for coming to his rally, PM Modi said the "overwhelming gathering of people clearly shows what people of Odisha are thinking."
"I am told production will start in 36 months. I promise to be here in 36 months at the start of production," said PM Modi, while slamming the earlier UPA regime for "failing to revive closed" projects. NDA government is reviving them for development, said the Prime Minister at the Talcher rally.
The Talcher plant, with an investment of Rs 13,000 crore, will create huge job opportunities while making the country self-sufficient in fertiliser production, said the Prime Minister. "Around 4,500 people will be employed in the region. It would also reduce India's dependency on importing gas and urea," he told the crowd.
Criticizing Odisha over Swachh Bharat, PM Modi said the state "has a lot left to do, especially in matters of cleanliness. "I have spoken to the Chief Minister about it. The entire country is becoming cleaner because of the cleanliness drive by our government but Odisha is left behind," said PM Modi, adding that he has also asked Mr Patnaik to launch the NDA government's ambitious Ayushman Bharat scheme, which will provide Rs 5 lakh health insurance to the people. "I urge Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik to link the people of state with Ayushman Bharat scheme to be launched on Sunday," said the Prime Minister.
Mr Patnaik a month-and-a-half before the launch of Ayushman Bharat, started the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY), a health scheme, that would assist over 70 lakh families in the state. "Healthy Odisha, Happy Odisha. Let us continue our endeavour to build a prosperous and strong state... BSKY is a historic initiative and will have a catalytic impact on the state's health scenario. The scheme will benefit more than 70% of our population. In addition, the state's entire population will be covered under free health services," the Chief Minister had said, while launching the scheme in Bhubaneswar in August.
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