10000 Steps A Day Weight Loss
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World Obesity Day 2025: 10,000 Steps A Day Can Help You Lose Weight, Says Nutritionist
- Monday March 3, 2025
- Health | NDTV Health Desk
Anjali Mukerjee says, "Weight loss is more complex than just burning calories - it involves hormones, gut health, inflammation and even toxins in your body."
Weight Loss: How Completing 10,000 Steps In A Day Can Benefit You, As Told By A Fitness Expert
- Friday September 25, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
10,000 steps: You don't necessarily need a fitness tracker just to track your steps. Most smartphones have a built-in step counter as well. Completing 10,000 steps in a day can help prevent strength loss, says Vinod Channa.
Weight Loss: Is Walking 10,000 Steps A Day Equivalent To A Workout? Experts Reveal
- Thursday February 6, 2020
- Health | Garima Arora
Weight loss exercise: Walking 10,000 steps in a day is the basic requirement of the human body for maintaining mobility and fitness, says fitness and nutrition expert Vinod Channa.
World Obesity Day 2025: 10,000 Steps A Day Can Help You Lose Weight, Says Nutritionist
- Monday March 3, 2025
- Health | NDTV Health Desk
Anjali Mukerjee says, "Weight loss is more complex than just burning calories - it involves hormones, gut health, inflammation and even toxins in your body."
Weight Loss: How Completing 10,000 Steps In A Day Can Benefit You, As Told By A Fitness Expert
- Friday September 25, 2020
- Health | Written by Garima Arora
10,000 steps: You don't necessarily need a fitness tracker just to track your steps. Most smartphones have a built-in step counter as well. Completing 10,000 steps in a day can help prevent strength loss, says Vinod Channa.
Weight Loss: Is Walking 10,000 Steps A Day Equivalent To A Workout? Experts Reveal
- Thursday February 6, 2020
- Health | Garima Arora
Weight loss exercise: Walking 10,000 steps in a day is the basic requirement of the human body for maintaining mobility and fitness, says fitness and nutrition expert Vinod Channa.