Alcohol And Weight Gain
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Think Before You Drink! Calories In Alcohol Can Make You Gain Weight: Here Are Simple Hacks To Reduce The Damage
- Thursday July 15, 2021
- NDTV Health Desk
The nutritionist says, "These and so many more reasons or excuses we find to take that drink". Here are few simple hacks you should be following.
Nutritionist-Recommended Lifestyle Tips That Can Help You Enjoy Festivities Guilt-Free
- Saturday October 24, 2020
- Nmami Agarwal
Practice portion control and keep yourself well-hydrated to enjoy the festive season guilt-free, without worrying about weight gain. Read here to know more tips that can help you.
Diet And Exercise Tips To Get Rid Of Beer Belly
- Monday June 17, 2019
- DoctorNDTV
Beer belly diet and exercise tips: Got beer belly? Give up on your alcohol first. Then, follow these diet and exercise tips that can help you get rid of beer belly at ease.
Want To Control Your Drinking In 2019? This Short And Simple New Year Resolution Can Help You!
- Sunday December 30, 2018
Following the concept of 'Dry January' which means abstaining from alcohol during the month of January, can help in controlling your drinking for the rest of the year, researchers have found.
Low-Carb Diet: Can You Drink Alcohol On A Low-Carb Diet? Everything You Need To Know
- Tuesday September 18, 2018
- Health | DoctorNDTV
On a low-carb diet, you can have light beer, red wine or whiskey in pure forms -- since they are carb-free. But alcohol is harmful for health and its consumption must be avoided for good overall health.
Alcohol Consumption May Increase Unhealthy Snacking: Study
- Monday August 20, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
According to a study alcohol consumption may up unhealthy snacking. It makes people feel more pleasurable to munch on a packet of chips while having a beer or eating cheese or cake while sipping on a glass of wine; however, it can come with unwanted side effects like excess calories and weight gain
How To Stop Overeating And Five Diet Rules Meant To Be Broken
- Tuesday February 20, 2018
- DoctorNDTV
Overeating is the excess consumption of food in relation to the energy that an organism expends (or expels via excretion), leading to weight gaining and often obesity. It may be regarded as an eating disorder.
Yes, Healthy Habits Can Include Alcohol
- Wednesday May 4, 2016
- Jae Berman, The Washington Post
Drinking alcohol is a habit that sneaks into people's lives and can have a huge impact on health. It's a big culprit when it comes to weight gain, and difficulty in losing weight, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it healthfully. Here's how.
Think Before You Drink! Calories In Alcohol Can Make You Gain Weight: Here Are Simple Hacks To Reduce The Damage
- Thursday July 15, 2021
- NDTV Health Desk
The nutritionist says, "These and so many more reasons or excuses we find to take that drink". Here are few simple hacks you should be following.
Nutritionist-Recommended Lifestyle Tips That Can Help You Enjoy Festivities Guilt-Free
- Saturday October 24, 2020
- Nmami Agarwal
Practice portion control and keep yourself well-hydrated to enjoy the festive season guilt-free, without worrying about weight gain. Read here to know more tips that can help you.
Diet And Exercise Tips To Get Rid Of Beer Belly
- Monday June 17, 2019
- DoctorNDTV
Beer belly diet and exercise tips: Got beer belly? Give up on your alcohol first. Then, follow these diet and exercise tips that can help you get rid of beer belly at ease.
Want To Control Your Drinking In 2019? This Short And Simple New Year Resolution Can Help You!
- Sunday December 30, 2018
Following the concept of 'Dry January' which means abstaining from alcohol during the month of January, can help in controlling your drinking for the rest of the year, researchers have found.
Low-Carb Diet: Can You Drink Alcohol On A Low-Carb Diet? Everything You Need To Know
- Tuesday September 18, 2018
- Health | DoctorNDTV
On a low-carb diet, you can have light beer, red wine or whiskey in pure forms -- since they are carb-free. But alcohol is harmful for health and its consumption must be avoided for good overall health.
Alcohol Consumption May Increase Unhealthy Snacking: Study
- Monday August 20, 2018
- Food | NDTV Food Desk
According to a study alcohol consumption may up unhealthy snacking. It makes people feel more pleasurable to munch on a packet of chips while having a beer or eating cheese or cake while sipping on a glass of wine; however, it can come with unwanted side effects like excess calories and weight gain
How To Stop Overeating And Five Diet Rules Meant To Be Broken
- Tuesday February 20, 2018
- DoctorNDTV
Overeating is the excess consumption of food in relation to the energy that an organism expends (or expels via excretion), leading to weight gaining and often obesity. It may be regarded as an eating disorder.
Yes, Healthy Habits Can Include Alcohol
- Wednesday May 4, 2016
- Jae Berman, The Washington Post
Drinking alcohol is a habit that sneaks into people's lives and can have a huge impact on health. It's a big culprit when it comes to weight gain, and difficulty in losing weight, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it healthfully. Here's how.